速報APP / 工具 / Page Monitor

Page Monitor





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Bauska, Code, Latvia, LV-3901

Page Monitor(圖1)-速報App

Page Monitor is an application which lets you monitor web pages and track changes.

This application compares web page changes with customizable changes percentage and update interval. If any changes are detected, the user gets a notification.

This application is useful when the web site does not have an rss feed or changes must be tracked in a specified time interval and within filterable amount of changes.

The app can't monitor changes for hard to reach sites, where required login or dynamic user inputs.

Page Monitor(圖2)-速報App

---version 1.2--

Added HTTP 5XX error alerts.

Notification tone setting

Removed unnecessary permissions.

Page Monitor(圖3)-速報App

Bug fixes.